An energy audit takes a look at how efficiently your business or home uses energy and show ways you can reduce your energy consumption. Let our energy professionals perform a room to room audit to determine ways you can increase your energy efficiency. Take the first step to assessing how much energy your business or home consumes with an electrical energy audit by HighTower Electric and start saving energy today!

Get the enhanced efficiency you desire while making your home more environmentally friendly.

Three Ways to Prepare for an Energy Audit

  • Have a copy of your past electrical bills
  • Have a list of existing problems or areas you think need specific attention
  • Have a list of areas or items you would not mind updating

Based upon the physical condition of your home or business, its energy efficiency and the comfort level you desire we will come up with a new plan to help you save money on your electricity. We can help you get more stable temperatures, improve your lighting quality, reduce unnecessary energy consumption and increase the safety of your home while making it more functional and stylish. Call HighTower Electric today to find out how.

Your path to energy efficiency is only a phone call away!